Tuesday, January 3, 2012

messed up

sometimes you just don't know what you want most in life.
things get blurry and everything seems messed up.
I am not a fighter.
But something for sure I do fight for things
that worth fighting and dying for.
to be me is not easy.
I prefer to remain silent and pretending that
everything is fine. really.

p/s: exams.I have 5 papers more (:

1 comment:

  1. its been a long time since i last visit your blog..life seems to be more exciting each day for you i see..goodluck with it though..being a fighter with aim,is something..being a fighter with no aim,is nothing..but if you are not fighting and got nothing to aim,you still have something..that is call surviving..love,study,family,fame,wealth..try not to mess up often,be postive..you might see yourself as a loser for the rest of life
    goodluck with your papers dear
